Latto Partners With Planned Parenthood to Support Abortion Rights

Latto Partners With Planned Parenthood to Support Abortion Rights

Latto is using her voice to stand up for abortion rights.

This past weekend, the rapper announced that she'd teamed up with Planned Parenthood to support safe and legal access to the procedure, which is currently under attack after the conservative-majority Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade earlier this year.

“We already know who’s going to be hurt the most by these ridiculous abortion bans: Black women, Brown women, the LGBTQ+ community, and communities with low incomes,” Latto said in a statement. “Because of this country’s history of racism and discrimination, these folks already have a hard time getting the health care they need. We all deserve to be safe and it’s every person’s right to make decisions about their own bodies."

"As an artist, I want to use my platform to let these politicians know: My body is for no one to control, but me," she added, which was later echoed in another release issued by Planned Parenthood's National Director of Arts & Entertainment Engagement, Caren Spruch.

“When a prominent artist like Latto uses their platform to amplify the need for reproductive rights for all, it’s a very powerful moment," Spruch said. "Latto’s voice will do so much to inspire others to use their voices, too, and we are thrilled that she is speaking her truth. In this time of widespread loss of abortion access, the time for us all to speak up is now.”

That said, Latto has already made her support of abortion clear, as she previously told Billboard that it’s everyone's fight to advocate for the "human right to control your own body."

"We should all be shouting how unjust this is and supporting the right for someone to decide what happens to their body," she said, before encouraging her fans to vote for candidates who are on the same page. "I want to see men supporting by protesting alongside women and voting for candidates that push forward our right of choice."

Watch Latto and Planned Parenthood's abortion rights PSA below.

Photo via Getty / Paras Griffin


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