John Legend is Sending an Important Message About Incarceration for Father's Day

John Legend is Sending an Important Message About Incarceration for Father's Day

This Father's Day, his second since becoming a dad, John Legend is reading letters sent by children to their incarcerated fathers. The video comes on behalf of the foundation We Got Us Now, a digital platform for incarcerated parents.

In the video, John talks about the joy he's experienced since becoming a dad and how unfair it is for fathers stuck in prison to not experience the same.

"For too many other fathers, that privilege of hugging your child, of looking at your child and saying 'I love you, I am proud to be your dad,' is not there," he says. "Many fathers spend Father's Day behind bars while their children grow up without a dad. To end the human suffering caused by mass incarceration, we have to make love the focus."

Watch the video below:

Header photo via Owen Kolasinski/