Jameela Jamil Wants You to Embrace Body Neutrality

Jameela Jamil Wants You to Embrace Body Neutrality

Jameela Jamil has sort of placed herself on the front lines of the body positivity movement across social media, calling out everyone from celebrities to brands that promote unhealthy diet fads and beauty standards.

Except she doesn't think of her activism as body positivity but "body ambivalence" or "neutrality" instead. "I don't think about my body ever," she told Glamour in a recent interview. "And because of that, I swear to God, I never would have been able to have this success that I have now. It opened up all this time because I spent hours a day thinking about my food."

Encouraging readers to "stop thinking" about their bodies, she added: "Imagine just not thinking about your body. You're not hating it. You're not loving it. You're just a floating head. I'm a floating head wandering through the world."

Although well-intentioned, The Good Place star has also attracted criticism for what has been labelled a "misguided" form of activism for attacking other fellow celebrities, most notably the Kardashians. Jamil disagrees, and says she isn't in fact trying to attack anyone at all but simply raising awareness.

"I don't hate those girls. I just want them to stop selling laxatives, and then I will get off that dick." she told the outlet. "That's all I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to attack anyone. But if you have a lot of power and influence and money, and you're using yours irresponsibly, and other people aren't aware that they're being sold a lie, I'm gonna step on that dick."

She further defended her approach by saying that, she herself sees being called out as a learning opportunity. "I'm calling people out in the same way that I've been called out," she said. "I don't sit there and play the victim if I've done something wrong. I just take that as an opportunity to learn. I feel as though I'm being afforded the faith that I can do better."

Photo via Getty