Why Not... Give Your Brows a Weave?

Why Not... Give Your Brows a Weave?

"Why not take a crazy chance?" sang one wise sorceress of the early aughts. Listen, we've all worn some questionable looks in our day, and if you say "nope, not me," you're either lying or a Vanderbilt or both (if you're a Vanderbilt, DM me your PIN number). But in another light, fashion exploration is really just the development of style. So as often as we can, PAPER culls every dark crevice of the web to bring you curious fashion moments that might leave you asking, "Why?" But our hope is that you'll someday change your tune to a wink and a shrug to say, "Why not?" Hilary knows, and also, you're welcome!

    Our hats are off to this icon (follow @mariussperlich), who decided to do something we've never seen before, which is to install a weave onto their eyebrows and make it... fashion? Yes. There are no real rules in the name of unapologetic self-expression. But we'd be remiss if we didn't admit that we have just a few questions:

    1. Are regular eye-related functions such as blinking and sleeping rendered slightly impossible?
    2. What happens if you need to put in contacts?
    3. Does the weave get its own shampooing and conditioning routine?
    4. Is the weave human hair or the hair from the head of a doll?
    5. Can the eye get infected?
    6. Can you untie the ribbons for a full drape/curtain-like effect?
    7. How do you uninstall the mini-weave?
    8. Does one lose their brows once having committed to this process? (Which, if that's the case: chic.)
    9. Why?

    Well, why not?

    Photo via Instagram