Watch Jon Stewart Crash 'The Late Show' In Trump Drag To Rally The Resistance
01 February 2017
Jon Stewart, whose humor, exasperation and dogged hope got us through the worst of the Bush years, turned up on The Late Show to roast Trump and deliver a message to the resistance. Wearing in an XXXL red tie and a mink on his head, Stewart did his best Trump impression, delivering some additional absurd executive orders like making America's official language "bullshit," before an inspiring direct-to-camera speech.
"We have never faced this before – purposeful, vindictive chaos – but therein lie's the saving grace of [Donald Trump's] legacy. No one person will be adequate, all actions will be necessary. And if we do not allow Donald J. Trump to exhaust our fight, and somehow come through this presidency calamity-less and Constitutionally partially intact – then [Donald J. Trump] will have illustrated the greatness of America. Just not the way [he] thought he was gonna."
Watch the entire clip below...
Splash image via CBS