Famous Pussy Grabber Tweets About His "Respect" For Women on International Women's Day

Famous Pussy Grabber Tweets About His "Respect" For Women on International Women's Day

Donald Trump, real-estate buyer, reality-television personality, pussy-grabber and now, president, has taken it upon himself to profess his respect for women on International Women's Day. Ha! That's a thigh-slapper!

The Don asked on Twitter this morning that his audience join him "in honoring the critical role of women here in America & around the world" because he has "tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy." Naturally Twitter, who never forgets, replied 'goodbye!'

Novelist Matt Haig lead the charge and delightfully went in on our 45th president and roasted him on how he "respects" and "honors" women so much so that now The Don is likely just a blackened lump of shriveled jerky on the Oval Office floor.

Sheesh! It's almost as if The Don has never even met a women? But we all know he has.


Happy International Women's Day, everybody.

Image via Twitter