How Much Would You Pay to See Elon Musk in a Dog Collar?

How Much Would You Pay to See Elon Musk in a Dog Collar?

Obviously, there's no way that Brooke Candy could stay away from the NFT phenomenon. The always subversive and future-forward artist has announced the auction of an extremely 2021 digital artwork featuring her, Elon Musk and a dog leash.

The internet-y animation, titled "I Wanna Be Your Doge," sees Candy uh… doge walk the infamous Tesla CEO slash husband-of-Grimes. Pictured on all fours, Musk is naked except for his trademark smirk, while Candy is fashionably clad in the space age dominatrix ensemble from Grimes' 2012 "Genesis" video, in which she starred.

They look great:

A still of the animated artwork

You can bid on the artwork on Wednesday April 7 from 3PM ET, via the NFT platform Foundation. It's Candy's first-ever NFT offering. We have a feeling that, in the grand tradition of NFTs (AKA non-fungible tokens, a potentially revolutionary if somewhat controversial new method of digital art ownership that utilizes blockchain), the bids will probably get a little crazy.

Oh — and if you're not quite down with the whole "paying money for digital images" thing, here's a bonus: the winning bidder also gets a physical object to keep, namely a replica of the iconic silver suit that Candy is wearing. Tailored to their specific size requirements! Best of both worlds.

Find out more (and then place your bid) here.

Still courtesy of Brooke Candy


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Story by Justin Moran / Photography by Madison Swart