Fenty Beauty Released a Relatable Acne Coverage Tutorial Because Rihanna Loves Us

Fenty Beauty Released a Relatable Acne Coverage Tutorial Because Rihanna Loves Us

Humans have acne and scars and red spots and sun damage and all sorts of blemishes. And that is totally okay! Flawless skin is never actually flawless, but sometimes covering up our skin imperfections gives us that boost of confidence we need to get through the day. Rihanna understands this, because she loves us, and her Fenty Beauty line just released this tutorial on how to use her skin products to address acne.

In the video, a dancer named Ysabelle shows us how she uses the full suite of Fenty Beauty products to achieve a lust-worthy contour. But for her, she also explains how the products enable her to go about her day, without the public embarrassment associated with imperfect skin. As a teen acne sufferer, I remember how makeup was the only way I could feel comfortable enough to show up to class — and I saw how other kids were teased mercilessly if they dared show their bare, speckled skin. People with imperfect skin endure stares from others, well-meaning but paternalistic advice on how to cure those pesky zits (as though every option hasn't been tried already), and a stigma of being "dirty" or "unclean."

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We need to foster a culture where skin conditions and imperfections are accepted. We need to end the acne stigma and allow people to live their life, no matter what their face looks like, and encourage people to see everyone's inner beauty. Acne is, after all, a medical condition that has no bearing on who a person is. But the world is not going to change overnight. And until it does, makeup is there to help us feel empowered, or just help us avoid unwanted attention in public. That is an absolutely valid reason to use makeup as coverage, and we're happy to see Rihanna's beauty line tackle this issue. Makeup isn't just for getting glammed up. Sometimes it's the only way you can leave the house.

Check out the full video, and take them notes!

(Photo by Jacopo Raule/Getty Images for Sephora loves Fenty Beauty by Rihanna)