The Kanye West 'Ye' Memes Have Taken Over

The Kanye West 'Ye' Memes Have Taken Over

A lot of things have come out of the latest chaotic Kanye West album release cycle, including savage diss tracks, rigorous investigative journalism, a renewed disgust for the MAGA hat, a slapping troll track, Donald Glover SNL sketches and Twitter beefs between Kim Kardashian and Rhymefest. It's been a doozy, cementing the ancient truisms that change is the only constant and that West knows how to play the media.

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For this album West also dug deep into internet culture, creating album art with his iPhone and a phrase pulled straight from Tumblr, typography and all. Because the internet thrives on symbiosis, it reacted in kind (thanks to this generator) by creating a ton of memes based on said cover art, some of the best of which are below:

Image via Twitter