Robert Downey Jr. is always ready to jump to the rescue, but, let’s face it, Iron Man’s ethics have always been the most questionable of all the Avengers, and in RDJ’s latest support of Armie Hammer, it seems he's towing a similar line. A source told Vanity Fair, that the Downey Jr. was influential in steering Hammer to rehab, and may have helped foot the bill.
Hammer checked into Florida’s Silver Spring’s rehabilitation center in Summer 2021. The center treats drug, alcohol and sex-related substance abuse disorders over a six-month stay on a 52-acre estate. Most certainly not cheap.
While Downey Jr.'s intentions are likely good, he himself is a recovering addict and staunch supporter of anyone’s efforts to get sober, his support of the Call Me By Your Name actor creates a bit of a grey area, to say the least.
Last year, allegations against Hammer surfaced, including emotional abuse, manipulation, rape and a cannibalism fetish, maybe.
The LAPD launched an investigation into Hammer following allegations by a woman named Effie — who’s believed to be the woman behind the infamous screenshots. Effie accused Hammer of rape and physical abuse during their off-and-on relationship between 2016 and 2020. While Effie’s report details countless acts of extreme aggression and violence committed by Hammer against her, RDJ decided to selectively see past that to focus on the substance abuse issues.
RDJ also, more nobly, extended a hand to Hammer’s estranged wife, Elizabeth Chambers, and their kids allowing them to stay at his house while Hammer lays low.
Rumors have swirled as to Hammer’s whereabouts, with some ID-ing him as a Cayman Island timeshare salesman, or hotel concierge. As for Chambers, she’s maintained plenty of distance from her husband of 10 years, focusing instead on her kids, Harper (7), and Ford (5), who populate her Instagram feed as of late.
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