Your Daily Porn Viewing Can Now Help Save the Oceans

Your Daily Porn Viewing Can Now Help Save the Oceans

Aug 28, 2019

Here are some unsexy facts: did you know that eight million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean each year from the land? At that rate, by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

Unless you like the idea of swimming in oceans made of plastic, and therefore, toxic chemicals, it's time to act fast. Coming to the rescue without denying your right to be freaky is none other than Pornhub, whose "Dirtiest Porn Ever" campaign just launched.

The campaign is essentially an X-rated video starring amateur pornstar couple Leolulu, having sex on one of the world's dirtiest and most polluted beaches. Which sounds hot and also like a health hazard, but there's a point! Each watch of the video (for some of you, that may be far more than once, which: go off!), results in an automatic donation to Ocean Polymers, a non-profit creating solutions for processing plastic waste out of the world's oceans.

As Corey Price, vice president of Pornhub, puts it, "We're dirty here at Pornhub, but that doesn't mean our beaches need to be."

Perhaps this latest campaign can be viewed as a rapid response to more increasingly more alarming UN climate-change reports, which essentially signal imminent, irreversible disaster by 2050 if we don't clean up our act.

While world governments have been unfortunately slow to respond to the crisis, Price warns: "Ocean pollution has grown to become one of the most significant global issues of our lifetime, and it's only getting worse. That's why it's imperative that we use our platform to raise awareness and inspire change — not just for the time being but for generations to come."

With 40 million active visitors on the site every day, results for this campaign are inevitable. This isn't Pornhub's first world-saving initiative, having recently launched their Beesexual campaign to save the bees and a wearable tech device, called "wankband," which converts sex habits into sustainable energy.

If you're more concerned about Leolulu's well-being while sexing it up than their underlying aim, don't worry. Pornhub has also created a separate page on its Cares website helping viewers prevent their single-use plastic from turning up in the ocean. Click here.

Photo courtesy of Pornhub