UPDATE: We dropped the ball. Mariah released the damn video today and it is a sexy wedding latex bride phantasmagoria. Are there garters? Check. Is there a lace-up latex ensemble? Check. Is there a wedding dress burned over a crystal firepit? Um, most definitely, check. Watch and savor below.
It's been an eventful 2017 for Mariah Carey thus far, with her mess of a New Year's Eve performance beautifully unfolding into high drama between her, her collaborators, and Dick Clark Productions. For February, she's turning over a new leaf, gifting us with a new song, "I Don't," which turns breaking up into a sexy slow jam. YG (of "Fuck Donald Trump" fame) drops in for a hook and a few bars as well. Listen below, and watch the possibly-wedding-themed teaser video Mariah posted on her Instagram.