Even among all the things he's given us over the years — memorable bars, soul beats, pink polos and backpacks, bad-sad-boy singing, Kim K 2.0, Calabasas chic — Kanye West's social media presence has always stood out as an undeniable delight. Perhaps its Ye's erratic use of social platforms that works for us (always leave 'em wanting more), or its tone that is somehow both opaque and candid at once. Or maybe it's how, like everything Kanye does, it's totally, unapologetically Kanye.
Related | Kanye West in His Own Words
Today the father of three posted to the 'gram for the first time in forever, spamming our feeds with low-res images of iconic couples for Valentine's Day:
He also added Kate Moss and Johnny Depp (we would've gone with Winona) and Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock, and as of writing this was still going. The self-avowed minimalist also added a short note, presumably to his wifey:
Welcome back, Ye, we hope you stick around awhile.
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