While all hell has broken loose with what celebrity news and pop culture discussion group Comments By Celebs calls "Jordyngate," it seems Jaden Smith has been busy directing his attention to other matters. The 20-year-old artist/ model has been helping Flint, Michigan get access to clean water.
Smith, son to Jada Pinkett-Smitt and Will Smith and best friends with Kylie and Jordyn Woods, has used his foundation "deploy a mobile water filtration system known as ‘The Water Box’ that reduces lead and other potential contaminants." JUST goods company partnered with First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church to make this possible.
JUST goods, or JUST water is a 100% responsibly sourced spring water company that uses paper cartons, and has bottle caps made of sugarcane.
According to a Facebook post from the church on Thursday, they developed the filtration system themselves along with Jaden’s company.
Flint has been replacing water lines after lead-tainted water was discovered in 2014. While the church has distributed over 5 million bottles of water, donations of bottled water have been in decline. Bottled water is also an environmentally problematic, unsustainable solution to this problem. So way to go, Jaden! Keep doing the good work.
Image via Getty