UPDATE: Goop Responds to NASA Criticism Regarding Their $120 "Bio-Frequency Healing" Stickers
22 June 2017
UPDATE 6/22/2017 2.10pm EST: Goop have released a statement to clarify the informality of their endorsements.
"As we have always explained, advice and recommendations included on goop are not formal endorsements and the opinions expressed by the experts and companies we profile do not necessarily represent the views of goop. Our content is meant to highlight unique products and offerings, find open-minded alternatives, and encourage conversation. We constantly strive to improve our site for our readers, and are continuing to improve our processes for evaluating the products and companies featured. Based on the statement from NASA, we've gone back to the company to inquire about the claim and removed the claim from our site until we get additional verification."
It wasn't that long ago when we associated Gwenyth Paltrow with her stellar filmography, eccentric children's names and a very amicable split from Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, but now that's all changed. The name "Gwenyth Paltrow" is now synonymous with Goop and Goop alone, her lifestyle blog/online shop/wellness conference (?) that just won't stop putting it's jade egg in it's mouth.
Goop's pseudoscience – which even Gwen has admitted she doesn't really get – has addressed everything from good anal to keeping vaginas taut (and spiritual) and is now an international joke. The company, however, appears unfazed by criticism and continues to push what the skeptics among us might consider "ridiculous". The latest venture? "Bio-Frequency Healing" Stickers.
The product is literally just a sticker which you place on your body to "rebalance the energy frequency" and is reportedly made of "NASA space suit material." A pack of 24 will cost you $120 dollars.
"Human bodies operate at an ideal energetic frequency, but everyday stresses and anxiety can throw off our internal balance, depleting our energy reserves and weakening our immune systems," Goop writes. "Body Vibes stickers (made with the same conductive carbon material NASA uses to line space suits so they can monitor an astronaut's vitals during wear) come pre-programmed to an ideal frequency, allowing them to target imbalances."
NASA has come back swinging, tellingGizmodo they "do not have any conductive carbon material lining the spacesuits," which are in fact mostly made up of synthetic polymers and spandex.
"Wow," Mark Shelhamer, former chief scientist at NASA's human research division said. "What a load of BS this is."
"Not only is the whole premise like snake oil, the logic doesn't even hold up," he said. "If they promote healing, why do they leave marks on the skin when they are removed?"
Questions, questions that need answers. C'mon Gweyn.
[h/t Gizmodo]
Image via BFA/body vibes