Celebrity sex tapes are about to lose their edge thanks to AI-generated porn.
Motherboard has been monitoring a Reddit community dedicated to making fake porn flicks of celebrities using existing footage and a machine learning algorithm — the results are frighteningly real.
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FakeApp is a new desktop application that allows users to create these videos. No longer are "deepfakes" — as the aforementioned Reddit community calls it — limited to the tech savvy.
In an interview with Motherboard, the app's creator said, "Eventually, I want to improve it to the point where prospective users can simply select a video on their computer, download a neural network correlated to a certain face from a publicly available library, and swap the video with a different face with the press of one button."
This might sound kind of awesome if you have a crush on Kim Kardashian and enjoy porn, but the possibility of your face being imposed onto a porn star's makes it considerably less awesome.
Not to mention the fake news that will come of further developments, as the line between real and fake continues to blur. A FakeApp user recently showed what the technology is capable of beyond porn by combining footage of Hitler with Argentina's president Mauricio Macri.
Blackmailers and unethical news sources might use this face-swapping to their advantage in the not-so-distant future. Digital media analyst Jay Owens told Motherboard, "Socially and culturally, this is exploitative but quite survivable...Viral videos and celebrity media already operate on a plane of pure entertainment — but this'll only get sexier and meme-ier and lulzier and ever-more unreal."