(◕‿◕✿) I will not hesitate, bitch! (◠‿◠✿) [ mensrightsactivia]
Youtube remix god Tronicbox has given "Bad Romance" the '80s aerobics edit your body craves [Tronicbox]
Typical day [ kbmood]
BIG MOOD [ 1-800-garbage]
Wow queen, ur so beautiful. [ mensrightsactivia]
"I... I think I just need a Gatorade" [ChampagneManagement]
*Selena Gomez intensifies* [sonny5ideup]
The best use of this gif so far [asialbx]
Knowyourmeme.com is my home screen [yung_nihilist]
Just a friendly reminder that Alex Jones walks among us [SuperDeluxe]
FWD this image to 10 friends in the next 5 minutes or turkeys will circle u [ cumcumcumcumcum]
Gurl SLAY [sonny5ideup]
*Lana del Rey lyrics* [ mensrightsactivia]
@DamnAssChicken [mensrightsactivia]
Stop it [ nudqe]
"Well I heard an interview with the director on Fresh Air..." [ cumcumcumcumcum]