Rejoice: Sky Ferreira Has New Music Up on Soundcloud

Rejoice: Sky Ferreira Has New Music Up on Soundcloud

She's coming, slowly but surely!

After taking to the Internet to let people know about being "bamboozled" out of accessing her Soundcloud account, it appears Sky Ferreira has regained control. That's a relief for fans of the singer, who have been awaiting her any-day-now sophomore album Masochism since it was first teased some years back.

The first taste is what Ferreira is calling an "infant demo," a cover of 'Til Tuesday's new wave '90s classic, "Voices Carry." The song is a primer on what Ferreira does masterfully: emotive, crystal-clear vocals front and center, surrounded by dreamy synths and rock textures, all effortlessly, innately cool.

Not to mention, the cover choice couldn't be more fitting, as its lyrics highlight the saga of patriarchal silencing in a relationship, shining a light perhaps on Ferreira's own relationship trials, and her experience navigating music industry sexism, and of course in terms of overall timing, this song couldn't be more relevant. Please, more of this. Listen below.

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