Harry Styles in Fishnets Will Save Us All

Harry Styles in Fishnets Will Save Us All

Mar 17, 2020

Things may be looking bleak right now, but leave it to Mr. Harry Edward Styles to spark some joy in these unnerving times.

This morning, photos from an editorial published in Beauty Papers, a British bi-annual glossy, were released online — including one of Styles sitting back in a wooden chair wearing nothing but fishnet tights and patent loafers.

With his legs crossed and tats fully exposed, the superstar looks equal parts powerful and unbothered. Another photo shows our flexible king balancing on one foot while clad in a full Gucci look (as well as Gucci Beauty).

The images were shot by Casper Wackerhausen Sejersen and styled by the singer's longtime stylist Harry Lambert. At one point, the photos even caused Beauty Paper's website to crash, according to its Facebook page. Apparently, we all could've used the distraction.

See, below, for more reactions to Harry's Beauty Papers photos.

Photos via Instagram

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