Jeffrey Dahmer Victim's Mother Calls Out Evan Peters' Golden Globes Win
12 January 2023
It feels like Netflix's Dahmer series came and went, despite being one of the biggest debuts on the platform. After the show's star Evan Peters snagged a Golden Globe Award for Best Limited Series Actor for playing the titular serial killer, the families of Dahmer's real life victims still have a lot to say.
Shirley Hughes, the mother of Dahmer's 31-year-old victim Tony Hughes, spoke up about Peters being praised for portraying one of humanity's most grotesque figures. In a statement provided to TMZ, she said that Peters should have used his acceptance speech to "mention the families who are still suffering from Dahmer's crimes, or to say Hollywood should put an end to telling stories about killers and glorifying them."
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In his acceptance speech, Peters acknowledged that the show was "difficult" to make and watch, but he "sincerely hoped some good came out of it."
Hughes still thinks more needs to be done, telling TMZ, "There's a lot of sick people around the world, and people winning acting roles from playing killers keeps the obsession going and this makes sick people thrive on the fame." She also brought up the unfortunate reality of the victims' families who do not receive compensation and do not need to be contacted for permission to use their loved ones' likeness. "It's a shame that people can take our tragedy and make money," Hughes said. "The victims never saw a cent. We go through these emotions every day."
Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is the work of celebrated television writer Ryan Murphy who received the Carol Burnett Award at the Golden Globes for his "outstanding contributions to television." The Monster series has been renewed for two more seasons, and Murphy is looking into exploring other terrible people from history.
Let's hope he learns from the criticism of Dahmer.
Photo courtesy of Amy Sussman/Getty Images