Watch Lana Del Rey (Almost) Join the 21st Century, Marvel at Siri

Watch Lana Del Rey (Almost) Join the 21st Century, Marvel at Siri

There is nothing like Lana Del Rey's use of (probably) the 8mm app, you know it, you paid $1.99 for it in 2013 after finding out director Malik Bendjelloul used it for his Oscar-winning film "Searching for Sugar Man" then cut it all your summer footage together on iMovie.

This is our born-in-the-wrong-era icon Lana's M.O., but there's nothing like watching her discover the capabilities of modern technology through a sepia filter. Here she is, asking Siri about the chance of rain and whether the Dodgers will take out the World Series (they didn't). She looks very impressed, before finishing the video with a passionate "Good luck Dodgers!" Go team.


Image via Instagram