Both Balenciaga and Yeezy have dropped new paparazzi-style fashion campaigns in the past two days, featuring models holding bags over their faces to avoid photogs or else finding their own unique way to look properly disgruntled by the media's frantic attention.
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While we applaud the creative approach to advertisements both Kanye West and Demna Gvasalia have taken, it's important to note the real artists being referenced here: the original princesses of paparazzi, making the front page by looking as if they'd rather be anywhere else.
We call it the Art of Reluctant Glamor: becoming the media's most coveted figure by using body language to show just how uninterested you are in having your photo taken. Below, we've recalled five pioneers in this field of work — true originators of the Art of Reluctant Glamor (disclaimer: being hounded by men with cameras this intensely looks terrible and we have nothing but empathy and solidarity for our early 2000s celebrity sisters):
Lindsay Lohan
In this clip, we see Ms. Lohan truly mastering the Art of Reluctant Glamor — amidst the sea of odious, bloodthirsty paps, Lohan maintains poise. In this clip, we find her implementing a classic technique: that of the slightly tilted head, the gesture of muse truly disgruntled.
Paris Hilton
In this clip, we'll find Paris using the classic move of a cell phone (in this case, Blackberry) pressed firmly to her earlobe. Note the highly under-appreciated talent of carrying a different coffee beverage in each hand while maintaining not one, but two very limp wrists.
Britney Spears
Seriously, thank the Lorde that Instagram has killed paparazzi culture: the elegance with which Britney is able to handle a literal pile of sweaty straight men yelling and flashing into her face is astounding. Notable artfulness here can be seen in the deft way Britney holds back her own hair to maintain a Baroque quality of artistry within this putrid scene.
Nicole Richie
Nicole Richie gives us one of the less talked about, but most essential components of the Fine Art of Reluctant Glamor: the slow, silent strut. Here we see Ms. Richie sliding along in a glacial march, giving off divinity, ethereality, and above all dignity.
Christina Aguilera
There's one crucial element to this art form that we've not yet mentioned: the smirk. Here, we can see Christina Aguilera delivering a small but significant smirk as she leaves a steakhouse wearing a body-hugging white cocktail dress.