"Terrarium Eyes" Are The Latest, Weirdest Look in Makeup

"Terrarium Eyes" Are The Latest, Weirdest Look in Makeup

Beauty bloggers are a creative bunch. From meme-covered eyelids to Beyonce inspired lips, to using everything from a hardboiled egg to your boyfriend's balls as a beauty blender, what crazy new technique hasn't been tried on the face of an ambitious makeup artist with a social media account and a whole lot of time?

One such artist spotted a gap in the terrarium-inspired makeup arena, identifying a need for innovation in a market we didn't even know existed. Gluing tiny flower petals and branches to her eyelids, 19-year-old Ellie Costello has opened up a whole new world just in time for spring. Cosmo's Chelsea Peng has appropriately dubbed the look "terrarium eyes." My eyes are getting itchy just looking at this, but to each her own petal.

[h/t Cosmopolitan]


FLAMER Celebrates 4/20 With Annual NYC Park Picnic

Story by Kobi Naseck / Photography by Matías Alvial