Rina Sawayama Doesn't Want You To Be Lonely At Her Shows
By Matt Moen
Aug 28, 2018Since first being traumatized by the cruel awkwardness of hugging the wall in a middle school dance, many of us have struggled to overcome the social anxiety of going to a bar, party, or concert alone. Ranging from slight apprehension to all-encompassing paralysis, social anxiety can get in the way of an individual's ability to be fully present in their lives. To make matters worse, the stigma of going solo often brings unwanted attention and can be viewed as an invitation for unwelcome sexual advances making going out alone a veritable minefield.
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Rina Sawayama, the pop star of tomorrow, today, has devised a solution. The singer announced on Twitter today a new initiative for solo concertgoers who want to link up with one another at her shows. "I know it can be intimidating to go to shows alone so I made wristbands for u," Sawayama writes, single fans can pick a wristband at each of the tour dates on the Ordinary Superstar Tour this fall as a way to easily identify one another. It may be an easy fix but sometimes the most elegant solution is often the simplest. Swayama's demonstrates an incredible amount of forethought, care, and compassion for her fans which is heartwarming to see and completely wholesome. There is strength in numbers, be "Alone Together."
I know it can be intimidating to go to shows alone so I made wristbands for u! If you're coming alone, collect your free wristbands at the venue (or at the queue) and if u see any fellow Pixels wearing them say hi 👋🏼 💗 let's be Alone Together! Tix: https://t.co/RRwJS4t04Y pic.twitter.com/tW0zwjJ7Ga
— RINA (@rinasawayama) August 26, 2018
Photo via Instagram
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