Propelled by their passion for putting music to the in-between of the physical and spiritual, Orbe Nacimiento crafts lush, ambient electronic scapes that evoke the anticipatory unease and excitement of venturing into new spaces, meeting new people and not knowing where the night may end. This magic is not limited to sprawling urban cities and niche neighborhoods, being born out of the natural need for connection and freedom in even the smallest and gloomiest of places.
Obre Nacimiento's latest single, "Yo Pensé," is a slow burn, focusing on sparse rumbling synths and warps to transport listeners into a trance-like state as they meditate on awkward encounters with strangers being transformed under the comfort of the cover of nightlife. It's a blank canvas for love, lust, friendships and more to be formed, blurring the lines between dreams and reality.
The duo, comprised of Daniel Suarez and Marcos Carral, tells PAPER:
Orbe Nacimiento was born out of the desire to express a simple yet intriguing thought through musical cohesion. Exploring how we value and differentiate what we consider to be real apart from dreams. Also what we consider dreams to be if they’re not a part of reality.
While looking to explore this thought through the album I guess we unconsciously stumbled through other simpler but emotive things like solitude and heartbreak, which this song is mostly about. When we started working on the video we found it ironically pretty to portrait the beginning of a relationship while the song speaks about the end of one, dueling on the realization that something is clearly over while still trying to keep it standing. Conjuring images of a city so gray that it seems to have been built specifically as a metaphor for loneliness and yet, forever appealing. This video is a love letter to gray ugly cities.
"Yo Pensé" is expanded with a stunning video that captures the magic of Mexico City's bustling nightlife scene through the adventures of two central characters. Opening with shaky vintage camera footage, we are introduced to the pair getting ready in separate living spaces, traversing the night and meeting for karaoke. As they slink back out into the night, the two meet friends, wander alleyways and streets and find themselves back in the comfort of each others' presence, unified by the power of music, dance and community.
Speaking further on its simple and near-universal concept, the video's director Alejandro Marcial said: "We recorded this video in 2020 in Mexico City. We are a very close group of friends who have a fondness for celebrating and dancing at night with friends. That is exactly what we wanted to represent and portray, the refuge that a great friendship or love can become. We were young, we had a little budget and we just got together to have fun. What we do all the time."
Below, watch the PAPER video premiere of "Yo Pensé" by Orbe Nacimiento.
Photo courtesy of the artist