Meek Mill Shares Memorial to the 'Old Kanye'

Meek Mill Shares Memorial to the 'Old Kanye'

May 03, 2018

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone, on either side of the aisle, who doesn't miss the Old Kanye at least a little bit. Meek Mill, out on bail following a messy (and some say bogus) trial for a probation violation, misses him too. The Philadelphia rapper shared a fan-made memorial to the "Old Kanye" on Instagram, expressing how Kanye's music helped him while he was locked up and quoting early era Kanye classic "Can't Tell Me Nothing."

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Given that Mill is close with the Carters (Beyoncé shouted out #FreeMeek in her song "Top Off," and Jay-Z is co-producing Mill's forthcoming docuseries on his trial for Amazon), it's not hard to parse what his feelings toward Kanye's recent words and actions are.

Photo via Instagram