Livestream This: LSDXOXO's Floorgasm

Livestream This: LSDXOXO's Floorgasm

Jun 11, 2020

Thanks to Ms. Rona, we're all trapped at home with nothing to do. Even Netflix is getting boring! But never fear. While they're technically out of work, our favorite entertainers are still out here bravely making virtual content in a scary new world. Going to the club or the theater is out of the question right now (self isolate! Ariana Grande says so) but here's PAPER's ongoing guide to the latest livestreams — featuring comedians, actors, musicians and more.

Who? Berlin's premiere hyper-sexual bacchanal, Floorgasm, is making an early return for a special online edition of the party benefiting Black Lives Matter. Teaming up with Boiler Room and Floorgasm's home turf, Trauma Bar, the night will feature sets from DJ Hyperdrive, Wallis and LSDXOXO, who promise to crank out bangers all night long.

When? Friday, June 12th starting at 10 PM London-time/ 11PM Berlin-time. Bear in mind this function is RSVP-only, so you better make sure your name is on the list sooner rather than later.

Why Watch? Aside from being one of the wildest parties you may ever attend over Zoom, Floorgasm will be collecting donations throughout the night that will then be distributed to more than 70 community bail-out funds for Black lives Matter protesters across the US.

Photo via Instagram