Lindsay Lohan Says She Was Racially Profiled At Heathrow Airport For Wearing A Headscarf

Lindsay Lohan Says She Was Racially Profiled At Heathrow Airport For Wearing A Headscarf

In a chat with noted pond scum Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain, Lindsay Lohan claimed that she was "racially profiled for the first time in [her] life" in a journey from London to New York, following a humanitarian trip to Turkey. Lohan, who was wearing a headscarf at the time "out of personal respect" for Turkish culture, was detained by airport security before they realized who she was. "[An airport security officer] opened my passport and saw 'Lindsay Lohan' and started immediately apologizing, but then said 'please take off your headscarf,'" she recounted.

The incident made Lohan pause for a moment to check her privilege as a white, famous, non-Muslim person. "I [took off the headscarf], it's ok, but what scared me was, in that moment, how would another woman who doesn't feel comfortable taking off her headscarf feel. It was really interesting to me. I can't speak for what the purpose of [asking me to remove the headscarf was], but it was jarring."

Lohan, who was in Turkey to meet with president Recep Tayyip Erdoğant with president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to discuss the Syrian refugee crisis, revealed later in the interview that converting to Islam is currently "a consideration."

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