Kesha and the anti-bullying organization Hack Harassment released a video this week that takes aim at online behavior. In the 30 second-long PSA, Kesha mouths over the cruel words of young people and asks viewers who will speak up for those being attacked. "Saying nothing says everything," she says.
According to a poll conducted by Data & Society/CiPHR Measuring Cyberabuse, nearly 65 percent of Americans between the ages of 15-29 have experience online harassment or abuse.
"I am honored to participate in Hack Harassment's PSA campaign," Kesha said in a statement about the video. "This issue is near and dear to my heart. No one, regardless of their identity, background or beliefs, should be subjected to harassment online. I look forward to working with Hack Harassment and its partners to help raise awareness of this important issue in order to bring about more inclusive and safer online communities."
Watch the full video below: