Gaga Bodies Body Shamers Who Called Out Her "Pot Belly"

Gaga Bodies Body Shamers Who Called Out Her "Pot Belly"

For those of you breathing oxygen this week, you'll know peng ting Lady Gaga performed at the Super Bowl and shut that shit down, but wait, there's more.

To do all the things she did majestically on stage, Gaga had to use her body. Because Gaga is sex on a stick, she wore a nice crop top/booty short situation that showed off the very, very nice body she has, but, as proven by the fact we are living in Donald Trump's America (miss you Obama bb), people just don't know what to do when they're given nice things. So naturally, haters were disgusted by Gaga's "pot belly".

Well, Gaga was not having a bar of that. Not one bar. The Lady took to Instagram today to address why her "body is a topic of conversation" and to make sure anyone attempting to shame her knew she was proud of what she had.

"I could give you a million reasons why you don't need to cater to anyone or anything to succeed," Gaga wrote. "Be you, and be relentlessly you. That's the stuff of champions. thank you so much everyone for supporting me."

She's beauty and she's grace, it's Gaga's United States.

[h/t Teen Vogue]
Image via Instagram