Bella Hadid Says Her 'Party Girl' Days Are Over

Bella Hadid Says Her 'Party Girl' Days Are Over

May 14, 2018

Gigi interviewed Bella Hadid for the new issue of Harper's Bazaar, and the two discussed the things the public may not realize about the very famous supermodel sisters. For instance, Bella says in the interview that despite her famously bored-looking visage, she never goes "a day without smiling."

"People always say I have the same facial expressions," Bella explained. "But what they don't realize is that for a long time I looked that way because photographers on set would direct me to look 'bored' or 'very nonchalant. But it isn't necessarily the way I really am. You've known me, of course, my whole life. And ever since I was a baby, I was always smiling."

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The 21-year-old also said that while the paparazzi may have caught her out painting the town in tiny sunglasses in the past, those days are over. "People think I'm such a party girl, but that's a thing of the past," she said. "I can't wait to just sit on the couch this weekend! Now that our careers have gotten to the heights that they have and our job is to be around people all day and go to parties, the last thing I want to do on a Saturday night is go out. I just want to be around people who love me. Like you and I play video games, watch movies, paint pottery—all the stupid shit we used to do back in our childhood before we became Gigi and Bella."

It was clear from the interview that for Hadid, there is a distinct separation between Bella the Supermodel and Bella the person. Bella the regular person explained that she stays off her phone for the first 30 minutes of her day, "so my brain can start functioning before I get completely overwhelmed by the media. Sometimes I just want to be me for 30 minutes, not 'Bella.'"

Photography: Nicolas Moore for PAPER