Watch Dream Dad Jake Gyllenhaal Read Poetry to His Perfect Child for Calvin Klein
19 October 2017
True angel and owner of an impossibly flawless beard, Jake Gyllenhaal, has been tapped by fashion's black-and-white filter gods, Calvin Klein, as the face of their new fragrance 'Eternity.' Perfection.
Up until now we've only had a still campaign to impress upon us that perfect Jake and his perfect wife and perfect child smell delicious and love their lives, but now we have a mini-film that proves that notion even further. In it, Jake and perfect wife read poetry to aforementioned child and they play with each other's limbs and it's all lovely.
Do I want to live by the seaside and wear only white cotton while simultaneously lounging in white cotton sheets with a toddler who's intellect is clearly superior to mine as well as Jake Gyllenhaal? Yes, yes I do.