Watch Cate Blanchett Play 13 Different Characters In The Trailer For "Manifesto"
17 January 2017
Manifesto is a film by German artist and director Julian Rosefeldt starring Cate Blanchett, who embodies 13 different characters speaking in dialogue drawn from 20th Century art manifestos. There's Cate as a raucous brunette with a Che Guevara tattoo, Cate as an elementary school teacher, Cate as a crisp newscaster, Cate as a sad puppeteer, Cate as a... screaming homeless man (hmmm). The work, which just completed a run at The Park Avenue Armory, is intended to be displayed as a cacophonous, multi-channel work where each character's clip plays simultaneously on their own video monitor, but will premiere as a 94-minute film at Sundance next month. Whether the film version of Manifesto will be a brilliant work of art or a highbrow hot mess is pretty much up for grabs, but there is absolutely no doubt that Cate Blanchett is one of our Greatest Living Actresses™ in search of increasingly more extreme theatrical highs.
Watch the trailer below...