Tom Hiddleston's Broadway Performance Made an Audience Member Orgasm
17 September 2019
Tom Hiddleston isn't the kind of hot that's for everyone. Personally? I don't mind seeing him grace a silver screen. I see why Taylor Swift was down. But that's as far as it goes — talented Marvel villain with a British accent. He's no Brad Pitt in this GQ shoot. I would not, say, buy a $189 ticket to see him in the Broadway revival of Harold Pinter'sBetrayal, then proceed to pleasure myself in my (NOT EVEN UPPER BALCONY SECTION) seat, finally crescendo-ing into a very public orgasm as his wife cheats on him with his best friend. I really wouldn't, but apparently a certain "young woman in her early 30s" would.
At least according to this thread on the Talking Broadway message board All That Chat. An anonymous theatergoer describes in some detail how they were distracted from watching Betrayal last Wednesday night by "the weirdest audience behavior ever," which included their row mate ("very well dressed and coiffed") literally masturbating to Hiddleston's lines onstage, complete with "occasional low moans and giggles" and a "rhythmic banging." The woman appeared to reach orgasm, but then started the whole process again in the play's final, sexy act.
This could just be a fun, weird rumor planted by Tom Hiddleston's creative publicist, but there's corroboration. On Twitter, other Broadway lovers are now claiming to have also attended the show and noticed the masturbating woman. (Hiddleston stans are also out there defending her actions, claiming they are justified by Tom's eminent hotness.) I don't know. If this is a thing, why didn't we hear about it happening during that horny Adam Driver play from a few months ago?
The original poster claims they still really enjoyed the play despite the distraction, praising its "first rate" cast but warning future attendees away from seat B-3. Betrayal closes December 8.
Photo via Getty