she said yes [mensrightsactivia]
Haters will say it's photoshop [gothaunt]
Hell is empty, and all the devils are here [tastefullyoffensive]
Couture [baerials]
Thank God there are still things in this crazy world we can count on [tastefullyoffensive]
hell no! [nochillatall]
ya goof [sonny5ideup]
This is my kind of content [whitegirlsaintshit]
Stay messy my friends [1800garbage]
gotta say this is the first Rush meme I've ever seen [sonny5ideup]
The tuck is my fear of death [christopherbarnard]
You're doing amazing sweetie [nochillatall]
why are you like this [sonny5ideup]
Why are cats like this [tastefullyoffensive]
Every day we stray further from God's light [nochillatall]
Somebody stole my idea : ( [mynameisdriftwood]
we did it [mensrightsactivia]
Achraf Amiri's New Book Is an 'Anthology of Ass'
Story by Justin Moran / Illustrations by Achraf Amiri