There are few bags more iconic than Fendi's Baguette. First introduced in 1997 by Silvia Venturini Fendi, the bag is widely considered by fashion historians to be the first “It bag after it was popularized by Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City, transcending its accessory status to become a pop culture fixture. Designed to resemble the casual way French people used to carry the namesake bread under their arms, the Baguette's only shortcoming has been that it wasn't quite long enough to comfortably fit a full loaf, until now.
Arriving just in time for fashion week, Panera Bread have unveiled their answer to the age-old dilemma with their new BAGuette. As self-professed experts in all things bread, the bakery-café chain's first foray into the accessory game sees them marrying both form and function with a baguette that's perfectly long enough to carry one of Panera's new toasted baguettes. Catering to both fashionistas and foodies, the foot long purse comes in Panera's signature pistachio green and features an embossed logo pattern and flag magnetic closure with a custom metal “P” buckle and gold hardware. Oh, and don't worry, Panera's Baguette does in fact come with a real baguette because we know you were curious.
“Our new Toasted Baguettes mark the first time that Panera has crafted a delicious sandwich in celebration of our iconic baguette – and this is certainly the first time we have created a purse,” Panera Bread's VP of Brand Building, Drayton Martin, said in a statement. “Both of these creations are amazing celebrations of not only our expertise in all things bread, but also the generous touches that make each Panera experience special.”
Retailing at just $39.50, Panera's stylish upscale lunchbox does seem like a more affordable alternative to a Fendi Baguette (and if you squint at the two from a distance, they're practically indistinguishable). Plus, the BAGuette is a nice pop of color to spice up any pretty much any wardrobe. Sadly, the limited run of 500 BAGuettes seem to already have sold out online but apparently MyPanera members that purchase all three of the new Toasted Baguette Sandwiches between February 7 through February 13 will be entered in the chance win one of the purses, so there is at least still a chance.
Photography: Noah Fecks for Panera