SATC's 'Woke Charlotte' Answers All Your Problematic Questions
By Hilton Dresden
26 January 2018
Unless you're an ignorant cave troll, at this point you're familiar with the most important Instagram account in the cybersphere: @everyoutfitonsatc, the fashion-savvy, quick-witted compendium of, rather obviously, every outfit on the HBO bible Sex And The City.
One of the greatest things to come out of the account is the “Woke Charlotte" meme, rewriting the show's most Republican character into a voice of political correctness and intersectional feminism, and challenging the series' most cringe-worthy moments.
With the world in desperate need of a little education on not being a total douchebag, we couldn't help but wonder: who better to school cis straight men on their problematic opinions than Woke Charlotte herself?
Which is why we asked all the stupid questions we know you boys out there are asking, so that Ms. Charlotte “Woke" York can give you a proper lesson in being a good person.