Last night Solange deleted her Twitter account, a move motivated by the Charlottesville violence over the weekend.
Before she signed off, she asked her fans to rally on behalf of 22-year-old student Takiyah Thompson, the woman who was arrested in connection to the the toppling of a confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina. She was charged with felony offenses "participation in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500" and "inciting others to riot where property damage exceeds $1,500," as well as several misdemeanors, including "damage to real property" and "disorderly conduct by injury to a statue."
Solange then further clarified herself in a Notes-app screenshot posted to her Instagram story, in which she denounces white supremacists, nazis and "ugly ass fuck bois." See the full message below.
Icons only. Go off, Solange.
If you are feeling helpless in the aftermath of Charlottesville, see five things you can do to help here.
[h/t The Fader]
Image via Getty.