At Thursday's Prada spring 2019 show during Milan Fashion Week, Pat McGrath put eyelashes on full display. To ensure they popped as much as possible, she bleached all the models' brows — a polarizing trend made mainstream by the likes of Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga. For each eye, incidentally, she brought back '60s Twiggy mod, with layers of thick mascara on the top and bottom lashes. Kaia Gerber, in particular, looked incredible.
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As for the hair at the show, stylist Guido Palau had a similar technique when it came to drawing your gaze towards each girl's eyes. With baby bangs at the top of the forehead, there weren't any distractions from those statement-making, mascara-caked eyes.
Photo via Imaxtree
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Story by Justin Moran / Photography by Kohl Murdock