Lana Del Rey Calls Out Kanye West

Lana Del Rey Calls Out Kanye West

Over the weekend, Ye/the being formerly known as Kanye West made it clear that he continues to support Donald Trump by wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat during his appearance on SNL and taking to Twitter following its airing to complain about being censored by liberals to have the same opinion as them. Joining other celebrities like Chris Evans, Swizz Beats and Questlove, Lana Del Rey voiced her disappointment West by commenting under a photo of the rapper wearing said hat: "Trump becoming our president was a loss for our country but your support of him is a loss for the culture."

She continued: "I can only assume you relate to his personality on some level. Delusions of Grandeur, extreme issues with narcissism - none of which would be a talking point if we weren't speaking about the man leading our country."

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Rey ended by mentioning the many sexual assault allegations against Trump, and referenced his infamous Access Hollywood tape where he admitted to grabbing women's genitals.

Read the whole message below:

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