Lana Del Rey and The Weeknd Are the Damn Dream Couple in New "Lust For Life" Video

Lana Del Rey and The Weeknd Are the Damn Dream Couple in New "Lust For Life" Video

If you needed any more fuel to get behind shipping Lana Del Rey and The Weeknd this video should do the trick. I am 100 percent, certified shook.

As you might have imagined, there's a lot of the Hollywood sign and a whole lot of canoodling. Lana meets The Weeknd on top of the "H" before jumping every single letter and eventually sliding off the edge. It's romantic, tragic and very Lana. "Lust For Life" is the latest single and title track from Lana's upcoming album, the release date for which is yet to be revealed.

Without further ado, here they are in all their glory – be warned, however, you may need a minute to recover.