Our favorite melancholy songstress Lana Del Rey just posted the trailer for her new record, Lust for Life, on Facebook and the supernatural short video is a peek into the mind of one of the industry's most enigmatic artists.
Speaking to us directly from "the middle of the H in the Hollywood sign," Del Rey waxes poetic on the role of the artist in dark times like these and ponders what her own contribution should be as she "cooks something up" for us. She also hints at her rumored Weeknd collaboration by throwing a floating XO label into the pot.
Watch the trippy vid below:
Tbh if you could touch my arm right now, you'd feel nothing but goosebumps.
To tide you over until L.F.L. comes out on its to-be-announced release date, watch Lana perform her single "Love" at SXSW below:
Splash image via Facebook