Hot felon turned model (sort of) Jeremy Meeks is currently living le high life at Cannes, where he walked in Phillip Plein's resort show. Hi Jeremy!
(There were like 9 photos like this, so I'm gonna go ahead and assume that he walked down the entire runway with his arms out, pretending to be some sort of airplane man.)
After the show was the after party, where Jeremy got his chance to engage in one of the most cherished of Cannes pastimes: inching closer to an A-List celebrity as a Getty photographer snaps away until it appears that they are consensually hanging out with you. Enter Nicki Minaj, who the red carpet flotsam encircled like moths to a flame.
Look at the fear in her eyes. Of course the man with the completely unbuttoned shirt is Jeremy, the man in the metallic burgundy suit is Phillip Plein, and the two sets of disembodied hands resting on his shoulders appear to be using him as some sort of conduit. They definitely don't know they're not in the crop.
Oh my god, what is this now?! Jumping in on the left is some guy Getty is calling Alec Monopoly, who we can only assume is the accessories section of Forever 21, given a human form for one beautiful night. Ironically, it seems like the only person who isn't 1000% painfully aware that their photo is being taken is Jeremy, the model. This situation is getting completely out of control. Phillip is shooting the shaka sign and Nicki appears very close to literally fleeing.
Oh wait... actually it kind of seems she's getting into it? She's graced them with a kissy face. It's a Cannes miracle!