The Brand Making Beauty Accessible for People With Disabilities

The Brand Making Beauty Accessible for People With Disabilities

Mar 22, 2019

Although there's an increasing shift towards inclusivity within beauty, many marginalized people are still left out of the conversation as much of the industry still centers on able-bodied representation. Many of us don't give a second thought to the makeup brush or the eyeliner we use, but people with disabilities are usually left with little to no choices.

Enter Grace, an innovative beauty brand that is focused on making makeup regimens easier for those with disabilities. With their debut range of products, the label aims to make beauty accessible to anyone and everyone. Currently the brand only retails mascaras on the website: The Ring Grip, The Safe Grip, and The Square Grip. Each comes with a set of instructions on how the product can be used.

The Ring Grip, for instance, is a mascara that, according to the brand, is designed as a general aid for anyone. "When attached you don't have to hold as hard, nor worry about loosing your grip," the description reads.

With increased support, it seems the brand hopes to expand to its reach along with its product range.

"Anyone, regardless of ability, should be able to use any beauty product they want to," the brand says on the website. "To help this cause, we're making accessories for people wit disabilities. Starting with mascara, we created add-ons for better grip, control and safety."

To shop the products or contribute to Grace's efforts, click here.

Photos via Instagram