Stream Divide and Dissolve's Bone-Crushing New Album

Stream Divide and Dissolve's Bone-Crushing New Album

Divide and Dissolve make music with a mission. Comprised of Takiaya Reed (saxophone, guitar, live effects) and Sylvie Nehill (drums, live effects), the Australian duo's noisey, pipe-bursting sounds are designed to destroy white supremacy and uplift people of color across the world. Their new eight-track album, Abomination, is a reflection of this ambitious operation through droning songs that crash violently with unruly doom. Listen to the PAPER premiere, and check out track-by-track commentary on Divide and Dissolve's newest bone-crushing drop, below.


We exist in this world under vile and shameful conditions. A world in which some have the option to ignore the intensity of the colonizing state. One in which some of us are given the opportunity to navigate effortlessly and others with copious amounts of resistance.


We are still experiencing the fatal affects of the continuation of the colonial project. They continue to demand that we forget about our ancestors, traditions , and ways of survival that have existed and sustained us since time immemorial.

"Cultural Extermination"

Neocolonizers have implemented every aspect of genocide in order to exterminate Blackness/Indigeneity. Whether it be our physical bodies, spiritual self, culture, diet, sustenance all of the aspects of our existence have been targeted in the fight for upholding white supremacy.


Our existence represents their failure in their attempt to wipe us from our homelands. Every breathe and step we take absolutely dismantles their frivolous efforts to extinguish Indigenous Sovereignty.


We will create the undoing: we will survive as our ancestors survived: our hand is steady: we feel no fear: we have been preparing.


We are yielding our power and autonomy over our impenetrable cultures.


We are taking back our land. Decolonise now.

"Indigenous Sovereignty"

Sovereignty exist external to western paradigms of rape murder and decimation; capitalist frameworks. In its entirety, Sovereignty cannot and has never been ceded.

Photography & Styling: Atong Atem

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Story by Tobias Hess / Photography by Vincent Wechselberger