Classical Musicians Across Twitter Are Covering Future's "Mask Off" And it is Wonderful

Classical Musicians Across Twitter Are Covering Future's "Mask Off" And it is Wonderful


Musicians all over social media are throwing their years of classical training and love of trap music behind absolutely gorgeous covers of Future's "Mask Off" under the hashtag #MaskOffChallenge. Why? Because the world is occasionally OK and just go with it.

Here is the original Future track, off his self-titled new album, which features a flute sample from Tommy Butler's 1976 "Prison Song."

KnowYourMeme, the authority on these matters, cites the genesis of #MaskoffChallenge with this slinky trumpet cover from March by a gentleman named Leroy Lubin that amassed over 7000 likes and 4000 retweets. Here is Leroy Lubin, lighting the match on the #MaskOffChallenge...

And here is the excellence that followed:

All I need in this world of sin are violin covers of Future tracks.