Your Future Porn Searches Are Freakier Than You Could Imagine

Your Future Porn Searches Are Freakier Than You Could Imagine

Ranging from disgusting to just plain bizarre, your future porn searches are pretty wild. How do we know? Artificial intelligence predicted them, and as we know, artifical intelligence never makes mistakes.

Porn site YouPorn has recruited the help of AI to uncover future search trends on their site, and they're pretty specific. "Data science and machine learning teams" compiled a list of searches that are either very, very niche or quite literally haven't been invented yet. Let's dive in, shall we?

Right at the top of the list sits Black Panther reference, "Shuri," the princess of Wakanda and "T'Challa," Black Panther himself. To clarify: incest porn. That's messy, but let us continue. "Senator Stormy" is present, perhaps a reference to Donald Trump's one-time tryst with porn star Stormy Daniels, as are ice skating pair Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir.

That about does it for pop culture, but what is "frompilation"? Or "pussy firking"? How concerned should we be about "shy ol mate," or, god forbid "anal dangcuble"? But in any case, sign me up to be the "amateur in bathreesome" ...sounds soapy.

See the full list, below, and please, please don't search grandjob.

  1. T'Challa & Shuri
  2. asarian humlion
  3. girl time flanty
  4. Virtue and Moir
  5. spray and pay
  6. grandjob
  7. german mom hour
  8. lesbian masturbinge
  9. cock milking table
  10. big booble hoter french
  11. passionation
  12. doot sex
  13. blowmowjob
  14. cornal
  15. fompilition
  16. pussy firking
  17. free iGlasses porn
  18. dick hover
  19. mature gargasm
  20. Senator Stormy
  21. anal dangcuble
  22. hardbore yore
  23. sexxiatore
  24. super cum
  25. tang pong
  26. shy ol mate
  27. amateur in bathreesome
  28. batish my yisel
  29. analiasing
  30. orgysty
  31. beaf buts compilation
  32. blow yo
  33. big blomjob
  34. put fingerer
  35. gorgy
  36. wow

Photo via Getty