Texas Lawmakers Debate a Bill That Could Possibly Make Abortion Punishable by Death

Texas Lawmakers Debate a Bill That Could Possibly Make Abortion Punishable by Death

Everyday, we creep closer and closer to dystopia — and new, unfortunate evidence of this comes via an anti-abortion bill currently being debated by Texas lawmakers.

As the The Hillreports, a 2017 bill that would criminalize abortion without exception was reintroduced to the Texas state legislature by Representative Tony Tinderholt earlier this week, and was considered within the Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence. But what does that mean? Women who get abortions will be charged with homicide — an offense that can possibly result in the death penalty within Texas.

According to Tinderholt, his goal is to guarantee "equal protection" for life inside and "outside the womb," as well as "force" women to be "more personally responsible" when it comes to sex.

Unsurprisingly, the measure is currently being criticized at-large online, with many commenters noting the bill's hypocrisy.

That said, the Washington Postpoints out that it faces "steep odds of becoming a law" due to its severity with some anti-abortion groups even deeming the measure too extreme. Not only that, but the committee chairman is apparently also hesitant to bring it to the full Texas House — and let's hope it stays that way.

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