Ruby Rose Can't Stop Crying

Ruby Rose Can't Stop Crying

In news that will warm the hearts of people and bats everywhere, Ruby Rose went on The Tonight Show to discuss her recent casting as Batwoman, or, specifically, how she can't stop crying whenever she thinks about it. This Batwoman, for a show on the CW, will be portrayed as an out lesbian, DC's first openly gay superhero. After Rose heard the news, she kept "spontaneously crying."

Related | Ruby Rose Cast as Groundbreaking Lesbian Batwoman

"I feel like the reason I keep getting so emotional is that growing up I never saw anybody on tv I could identify with, let alone a superhero," she said, holding back a sob. Rose also shared her personal motto, cribbed from Oscar Wilde: "Be your own person, because everyone else is taken."

Rose also talked about her mother's bat tattoo, obtained after baby bats and raising them as pets. Clearly the casting was meant to be.

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