Call This Number to Tell the Fashion Gods All Your Faux Pas

Call This Number to Tell the Fashion Gods All Your Faux Pas

Searching for an opportunity to absolve yourself of all your darkest sartorial sins to the gods of fashion, namely designers Rick Owens and Gareth Pugh? Well, someone has answered your prayers.

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Given that the Met Ball's controversial theme is Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination, Byronesque Vintage founders Gill Linton and Justin Westover have created a hotline for you to call and confess all your crimes against fashion to your forever faves.

Hit +1 800 666 2498 for Rick and +1 800 666 9524 Gareth to hear a reading of Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus" from both designers and sound recordings from cult worships.

"There are a lot of fashion sins committed on the Gala red carpet every year and this year's theme was literally a gift from God," Linton told Dazed. "We have a personal shopping service, which is a bit like being the priest taking confession for all the deadly sins."

Just a reminder this year's Met Gala will be hosted by Donatella Versace and Rihanna, so you'll want to be freshly cleansed before tuning in.

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